Profile of Jerry Sambuaga (UI Faculty of Social and Political Sciences 2009), Indonesia’s Current Deputy Minister of Trade

Born on July 2nd, 1985, Jerry Sambuaga is a graduate of Universitas Indonesia’s Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Political Science Doctoral Program, where he was awarded the title of Universitas Indonesia’s youngest Doctor of Political Science when he successfully graduated in 2016. He is active as a politician from the Golkar Party representing the Electoral District of North Sulawesi, and was elected as a member of the First Commission of the House of Representatives for the 2014-2019 period. He also served as Deputy Secretary General of the Golkar Party Central Board from 2016 to 2018.

His interest in academics also led him to become a lecturer at the London School of Public Relations from 2016 to 2018, as well as a lecturer for the Masters Program in International Relations of Pelita Harapan University, Tangerang. Now, he is currently serving as Deputy Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, a position which he has been serving since October 2019.

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