Profile of Shita Laksmi (FISIP UI 1995) as Executive Director of Tifa Foundation

Shita Laksmi, who graduated from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia in 2000 from the Department of Communication; has more than 15 years of experience in national and international organisations. She has taken various positions with increasing roles and responsibilities in several civil society organisations. She has wide ranges of experience in such issues as media development, technologies, transparency and accountability and freedom of expressions and HIV and AIDS. 

Shita played a significant role in the process of Internet governance in Indonesia, by being one of the founders of Indonesia Internet Governance Forum (ID-IGF) and also Indonesia CSOs Network for Internet Governance (ID–CONFIG). In the global context of Internet Governance, Shita, who holds a certificate of Diplo Foundation for Internet Governance, successfully pushed the transparent and accountable process of the IGF 2013 Bali. 

Shita is now a Project Manager, managing two major HIVOS initiatives regionally, Southeast Asia Technology and Transparency Initiative (SEATTI) and Making All Voices Count (MAVC). The initiatives cover 10 (ten) countries: Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

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