Faculty Leaders

Prof. Dr. Semiarto Aji Purwanto

Dean of FISIP UI for the period of 2021-2025

Prof. Dr. Semiarto Aji Purwanto or familiarly known as Prof. Aji, is a Professor in the undergraduate and postgraduate programs of the Department of Anthropology. He also serves as Head of the Undergraduate Program in the Department of Anthropology from 2017 to 2020. He graduated from the Department of Anthropology at UI in 1992 and earned a master’s degree in the same department in 1995. He earned a doctoral degree in anthropology from the Department of Anthropology at UI in 2010.

During this time, Prof. Aji focuses on research in the fields of social and environmental forestry, family and health, arts and culture, and rural ethnographic studies. He also often acts as a facilitator in community-based management planning programs thus far. The (Speciality) fields he masters include Development Anthropology, Ethnicity, Rural Anthropology, and Urban Studies.

NIP (Employment Identity Number): 196812151998031003
Rank and Class: Professor / Supervisor Level I / IV/b

Nurul Isnaeni, Ph.D.

Vice Dean for
Academic, Research, and Student Affairs

Nurul Isnaeni, Ph.D. or familiarly known as Ibu Nurul, is a lecturer in the undergraduate and postgraduate programs of the Department of International Relations. She is a graduate of the Department of International Relations at UI and earned a master’s degree in Foreign Affairs and Trade, Monash University. Doctorate degree in Sustainable Development at Universiti Malaya.

NIP (Employment Identity Number) : 196903131997032001
Rank and Class: Head Lector/Administrator/IV/a

Dwi Ardhanariswari Sundrijo, Ph.D.

Vice Dean for
Resources, Ventures, and General Administration

Dwi Ardhanariswari Sundrijo, Ph.D. or familiarly known as Ibu Riris, is a lecturer in the undergraduate and postgraduate programs of the Department of International Relations. She is a graduate of the Department of International Relations at UI, and known as someone who is actively pursuing higher education at the next level. It was proven by earning a master’s degree in International Studies, University of Leeds, in Social Science Research at Victoria University of Wellington, and in Gender and Culture at Central European University. She also earned a doctorate degree at the University of Warwick.

NUP (Educator Serial Number) (Admission of Non Civil Servant): 0907050247
Rank and Class: Lector/Superintendent/ III/c


Prof. Dr. Bambang Shergi Laksmono
Chairman of the Board of Professors of Faculty

Prof. Dr. Semiarto Aji Purwanto

F. Fentiny Nugroho, Ph.D
Chairwoman of the Faculty Academic Senate

Nurul Isnaeni, Ph.D.
Vice Dean for Academic, Research, and Student Affairs

Dwi Ardhanariswari Sundrijo, Ph.D.
Vice Dean for Resources, Ventures, and General Administration

Sutji Lantyka
Faculty Secretary

Prof. Adrianus Eliasta Meliala, Ph.D.
Head of the Research Ethics Commission

Mamik Sri Supatmi, M.Si.
Head of the Committee for Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence


Endah Triastuti, Ph.D.
Head of the Academic Quality Assurance & Accreditation Data Office Unit (UPMA – KDA)

Dr. Nadia Yovani
Manager of Education and Head of Academic Administration Service Center (PPAA)

Shofwan Al Banna Choiruzzad, Ph.D.
Manager of Research, Scientific Publication, and Community Services

Drs. Raymond Michael Menot
Manager of Student Affairs and Alumni Relations

Dr. Lidya Triana
Manager of Human Resources (HR)

Anggiarini, S.E.
Manager of Budget and Finance

Dadang Sudiadi, M.Si.
Manager of Facility Operations and Maintenance (OPF)

Ricky H. Sutjipto, S.H.
Manager of Ventures

Department of Communication Studies

Dr. Hendriyani
Head of Department

Dr. Chandra Kirana
Secretary of Department


Department of Political Science

Julian Aldrin Pasha, Ph.D
Head of Department

Ali Muhyidin, M.A.
Secretary of Department

Department of Criminology

Dr. Ni Made Martini Puteri
Head of Department

Anzilna  Mubaroka, M.Krim.
Secretary of Department

Department of Sociology

Dr. Ida Ruwaida
Head of Department

Dr. Lucia Ratih Kusumadewi
Secretary of Department

Department of Social Welfare Studies

Prof. Isbandi Rukminto Adi, Ph.D.
Head of Department

Dr. Sari Viciawati Machdum
Secretary of Department

Department of Anthropology

Dr. Irwan Martua Hidayana
Head of Department

Suraya Abdullwahab Afiff, Ph.D.
Secretary of Department

Department of International Relations

Asra Virgianita, Ph.D.
Head of Department

Ardhitya Eduard Yeremia, Ph.D.
Secretary of Department

Latest Update:
18 July 2024 – 17:05 WIB (UTC+7)