As of 10 August 2022, the Dean of FISIP UI has stipulated and appointed members of the Committee for Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence of FISIP UI for the period of 2022-2026, namely:
Dr. Ani Widyani, M.A.
Steering Board
Dr. Nina Mutmainnah, M.Si.
Steering Board
Dr. Ni Made Martini Puteri, M.Si.
Steering Board
Dr. Iqrak Sulhin, M.Si.
Steering Board
Mamik Sri Supatmi, M.Si.
Committee Member from Lecturer Element
Ardhitya Eduard Yeremia, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Committee Member from Lecturer Element
Suraya Abdulwahab Afiff, Ph.D.
Committee Member from Lecturer Element
Dr. Camelia Pasandaran, M.Si.
Committee Member from Lecturer Element
Anna Margret Lumban Gaol, M.Sc.
Committee Member from Lecturer Element
Sri Winarny, S.Psi.
Committee Member from Element of Educational Personnel
Ashilah Aurellia Sari
Committee Member from Student Element
Based on the Regulation of the Dean of FISIP UI No. 005 of 2021 concerning Norms and Committees for Handling and Prevention of Sexual Violence, the duties of the Committee include:
Receiving reports from victims or other people with the victim’s consent
Processing the report
Providing recommendations for actions (sanctions)
Providing assistance to victims
Coordinating with related institutions in providing protection to victims and witnesses
Providing preventive services together with other units in the faculties
Providing recommendations for preventive policies in the faculty
Providing recommendations for transition decisions
Conducting survey on sexual violence at least once every 6 months
Monitoring the implementation of the recommendations of the Committee by the Dean
The Dean of FISIP UI for the period of 2021-2025; Prof. Dr. Semiarto Aji Purwanto has issued the Regulation of the Dean of FISIP UI Number 2/2022 concerning General Guidelines for Handling and Preventing Sexual Violence, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia on 27 September 2022. By this means, FISIP officially has an institution which is in charge of preventing and handling sexual violence (simply called Komite PPKS) and has general guidelines for carrying out its duties
Dekan FISIP UI Periode 2021-2025; Prof. Dr. Semiarto Aji Purwanto mengeluarkan Peraturan Dekan FISIP UI Nomor 2/2022 tentang Pedoman Umum Penanganan dan Pencegahan Kekerasan Seksual Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia pada 27 September 2022. Dengan ini maka FISIP resmi memiliki lembaga yang bertugas dalam hal pencegahan dan penanganan kekerasan seksual (mudahnya disebut Komite PPKS) dan memiliki pedoman umum untuk menjalankan tugasnya.
Latest Update:
7 June 2024 – 15:05 WIB (UTC+7)