Our History

History of FISIP UI

Our Footsteps from Time to Time
The Beginning
Establishment of FISIP UI

Our story begins on 12 December 1959 at the Faculty of Law and Community Sciences, University of Indonesia (FH-IPK)

The presence of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia (FISIP UI) began with the formation of the Department of Publication (now the Department of Communication Sciences) at the Faculty of Law and Community Sciences, University of Indonesia (FH-IPK) on 12 December 1959. The aim of its formation was to improve the quality of the press by giving journalists the opportunity to take university education in the field of journalism.

Along with the development of publicity and journalism sciences, UI sees opportunities and interests to participate in developing other social sciences; such as Sociology, Political Sciences, and Administrative Sciences. From a scientific perspective and its use in practical life, the existence of these social sciences has indeed developed rapidly.

to Grow

After holding a number of workshops to finalize ideas for developing social sciences at the University of Indonesia, on 1 September 1962 – during the leadership of the Dean of FH-IPK, Prof. Sujono Hadinoto, S.H. – the field of science covered in the Field of Community Sciences has officially been expanded.

This field of sciences includes six majors, namely:

  1. Publication Science,
  2. Political Science,
  3. Administrative Science,
  4. Sociology,
  5. Criminology, and
  6. Social Welfare Science.
Evolution In Integration (Part 1)
From FIPK UI to FIS UI (Faculty of Social Sciences)

In 1970, it emerged the need for uniformity in the names of faculties operating in the field of social sciences. In connection with this, at a meeting of the social sciences sub-consortium held on 4-5 August 1970, it was proposed to change the name to the Faculty of Social Sciences. This meeting was attended by representatives from the University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, Hasanuddin University, and Padjadjaran University.

In accordance with the meeting decision, the name of the Faculty of Community Sciences, University of Indonesia was later changed to the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Indonesia (FIS UI), through the Decree of the Rector of the University of Indonesia No.002/SK/R/BR/72. The status of FIS UI as an independent faculty was strengthened by the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 31/C/1972.

Evolution In Integration (Part 2)
From FIS to FISIP UI (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences) and the Evolution of Study Program Structure

In 1982 the name of FIS UI was changed to the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia (FISIP UI) – based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 44 of 1982.

At the same time, the Semester Credit System (SKS) began to be implemented in the faculty curriculum.

Meanwhile, three study programs in the sociology department were restructured to become independent departments. Thus, in 1982 FISIP UI officially had six departments, namely Communication Sciences, Political Sciences, Administrative Sciences, Sociology, Criminology and Social Welfare Sciences.

A year later, in 1983, the number of departments at FISIP UI increased with the transfer of the Department of Anthropology which was originally part of the Faculty of Literature, University of Indonesia (now the Faculty of Humanities or FIB)

In 1985, the Department of International Relations was opened as an expansion of the International and Regional Relations Study Program from the Department of Political Sciences.

Evolution In Integration (Part 3)
Evolution of Study Program Administration

Since 2003, the term “Major” at FISIP UI has been changed to “Department”. Thus, to date, FISIP UI has eight departments, namely the Department of Communication Sciences, Department of Political Sciences, Department of Administrative Sciences, Department of Sociology, Department of Criminology, Department of Social Welfare Sciences, Department of Anthropology, and Department of International Relations.

Multi-Disciplinary Evolution and Synergy
Expansion of the Department of Administrative Sciences as a Separate Faculty

At the beginning of its formation, the Major of Administrative Sciences only consisted of two study programs, namely the State Administration Science Study Program and the Business Administration Science Study Program. In line with the increasing needs in the taxation sector, in the 1981/1982 academic year the Study Program of Tax Administration Science was established with the name Study Program of Fiscal Administrative Science.

In carrying out its activities, the Department of Administrative Sciences consists of four educational programs: diploma program, regular undergraduate program, undergraduate extension program, and postgraduate program (Masters & Doctorate). Afterwards, since 2008, all D3 programs of FISIP UI were transferred to the Vocational Program of the University of Indonesia.

The idea of ​​establishing Administrative Sciences as a separate faculty has been going on since 1999. In the end, FIA UI was designated as the 15th faculty within UI on 10 March 2015 and officially separated from FISIP UI.

Dean of FISIP UI

From Time To Time

Prof. Dr. Selo Soemardjan

Prof. Dr. (HC) Miriam Budiardjo, M.A.

Prof. Dr. R. Tobias Soebekti, MPA.

Prof. Dr. Manasse Malo

Prof. Dr. Juwono Sudarsono, M.A.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Budyatna

Prof. Kamanto Sunarto, S.H., Ph.D.

Prof. Dr. Martani Huseini

Prof. Dr. der Soz. Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri

Prof. Dr. Bambang Shergi Laksmono, M.Sc.

Dr. Arie Setiabudi Soesilo, M.Sc.

Prof. Dr. Semiarto Aji Purwanto

Latest Update:
20 December 2023 – 14.05 WIB (UTC+7)