Research Ethics Commission

The Research Ethics Commission is an independent body that is formed to supervise that research on humans is carried out in accordance with the Basic Values ​​of the University of Indonesia, namely Honesty, Justice, Trustworthiness, Dignity and/or Respect, Responsibility, Togetherness, Openness, Academic Freedom and Scientific Autonomy, Compliance on the applicable Regulations.


Regulatory Reference:
  • Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 3/2020 concerning the National Standards for Higher Education
  • Regulation of the Academic Senate of the University of Indonesia Number 001/2017 concerning the Research Civilisation Norms of the University of Indonesia;
  • Regulation of the Rector of the University of Indonesia Number 14/2019 concerning the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct of the University of Indonesia.

Based on Perdek 4/2021 concerning Governance of the Implementation of the FISIP UI Research Ethics Commission, the formulation is based on benchmarking regional research ethics standards, internal and external faculty partners, and human resource-based business processes:

All Society of Academicians at FISIP UI bear the responsibility to preserve social and political intellectual. This intellectual is built on Academic Accountability which lies in various processes that are interconnected with each other.

Research to Build Knowledge
Publications to Contribute to the Body of Science
Inclusive Dissemination of Knowledge
Research and Scientific Evidence-based Teaching
Services and Dedication for Evidence and Knowledge-based Change
Mentoring and Capacity Building

Specifically for Research, there are two main foundations that must be met, including:

So far, the section of research ethics has not been implemented institutionally at FISIP UI. Researchers carry out ethical tests on their research protocols at institutions outside FISIP UI. In fact, research methodology must be based on research ethics. In addition, the dissemination of knowledge in international media depends on whether the research passes ethical tests or not.

In fact, the research methodology must be based on research ethics. In addition, the dissemination of knowledge in international media depends on whether the research passes ethical tests or not

Committee Member

Regulatory Reference:
  • Peraturan Dekan FISIP UI Nomor 4 tahun 2021 tentang Tata Kelola Penyelenggaraan Komisi Etik Penelitian
  • Keputusan Dekan FISIP UI Nomor SK-0936/UN.F9.D/PPM.00/2021 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Anggota Komisi Etik Penelitian FISIP UI Antarwaktu Periode 2021-2025

Prof. Adrianus Eliasta Meliala, Ph.D.
Head of the Committee

Prof. Dr. Sudarsono Hardjosoekarto
Member of the Committee

Raphaella Dewantari Dwianto, Ph.D.
Member of the Committee

Dr.Phil. Aditya Perdana
Member of the Committee

Dr.Phil. Imam Ardhianto
Member of the Committee

Consult Your Research Proposal With Us

The Research Ethics Commission of FISIP UI opens the opportunity for students of the Doctoral study program (S3) of FISIP UI who already have a draft research proposal and want to be tested ethically, to send their files via the following page