Profile of Sukardi Rinakit

Sukardi Rinakit was born in Madiun, June 5, 1963. He is a political observer and writer. Currently he is serving as President Joko Widodo’s Special Staff in politics. This is the second time Jokowi has entrusted Sukardi with this position. Sukardi is an intellectual figure who is capable and experienced in political affairs.

Sukardi completed his undergraduate education at the University of Indonesia, majoring in Criminology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. He continued his education and obtained a master’s degree at the National University of Singapore, Department of Southeast Asian Studies.

In addition, he has also worked as a research staff at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and has served as Executive Director of the Soegeng Sarjadi Syndicate.

Sukardi used his experience working as a special staff who was often very close to the President to write a book about President Jokowi. The book was titled The Corner of the Palace and was published in 2018. In addition, he also created a popular work entitled The Indonesian Military After the New Order (Copenhagen, Singapore, 2004).

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Kampus UI Depok
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Indonesia
Jl. Prof. Dr. Selo Soemardjan, Depok, Jawa Barat 16424 Indonesia
Tel.: (+62-21) 7270 006
Fax.: (+62-21) 7872 820
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Gedung IASTH Lt. 6, Universitas Indonesia
Jl. Salemba Raya 4, Jakarta 10430 Indonesia

Tel.: (+62-21) 315 6941, 390 4722

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